Organise, if you want to survive, Organise, if you want to ensure job security, Organise, if you want to ensure better wages, Organise, if you want your Pension to be protected, Organise, if you want your Trade Union Rights to remain.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Central Working Committee Meeting will be held from 23rd to 24th January, 2012 at Ambala Cantt (Haryana)

No. R-III/52/44                                                                      Dated  19 -11-2012
          The Central Working Committee Meeting of All India RMS & MMS employees Union Group `C`  (CHQ) is hereby notified to be held from 23rd to 24th January, 2013 at Ambala Cantt (Haryana)
          The Meeting will commence at 10.00 A.M. on 23rd January ,2013. All Office bearers of Central Head quarter and all Circle Secretaries being the member of the Central Working Committee are requested to attend the meeting on the date and time as notified. Divisional Secretaries of MMS Divisions Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Ahmedabad are also requested to attend the meeting as special invitees


1.                 President`s Opening address.
2.                 Welcome Speech.
3.       Presentation of report by General Secretary.
4.       Organizational review at all levels.
5.       Review and settlement of   Strike Charter of Demands     called by Postal JCA (NFPE & FNPO)
6.       Review of Parliament March on 26th July, 2012 and One Day Strike on 12-12-2012
7.       Discussion on Two Days General Strike on 20th & 21st February, 2013
8.       Technology developments, Modernization and Mail Net work Optimisation  programme and New Postal Policy 2012
9.       Problems of RMS/MMS, creation of NSPCs Hubs, L-1, L-2 first class mail hubs, CRC, Speed Post, EPP Norms, MBCs, Transit Sections and replacement of condemned vehicles, filling up of the Posts of Manager and Assistant Manager  in MMS and other cadres.
10.     Common demands of C.G. Employees and implementation of  Confederation  programmes.
11      Filling up all vacant Posts and removal of ban on creation of new posts.
12.     Cadre Review, MACP Anomaly Committee in the Department of Posts and Cadre Review  for MMS Staff
13.     Promotion Avenues of LSG, HSG-II, HSG-I and PO & RMS Accountants.
14.     Promotion Avenues of Artisans Staff and other cadres in MMS.
15.     Administrative attack on Trade Unions.
Any other item with the permission of the Chair.
(Giri Raj Singh)                                                                                                                                  General Secretary

Friday, 23 November 2012

  • The CGCC, West Bengal, has called to hold half-day's sit-in demonstration on 23.11.2012 for 12th Dec '12 strike campaigning . All Branch / Divl unions are requested to organize it at headquarters with all seriousness. 
  • A meeting at the call of CGCC will be held centrally in Kolkata on 4th December 2012 at Y-Road (near Curzon Park and Esplanade) at 5 P.M. in support of the ensuing strike. 

  • A rally in support of the strike has been scheduled by CGCC on 10th December 2012 in Kolkata. The details of the route will be notified shortly. 

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Circle Union wrote regarding Mail Monitoring & works related thereof

No. WB/59                                                                                    Dated 20.11.2012
Sri V.K. Gupta,
Postmaster General(MM),
West Bengal Circle,
Yogayog Bhawan,
Kolkata – 700012.
                                           Sub: Mail Monitoring & works related thereof.

                         It came to know from various Divisions that, one instruction issued from authority that the KPI Monitoring report will be submitted in prescribed proforma by H/SA, HMA etc. regularly.
                         But it is a non-productive work in nature and is the job of administration in other words administrative works can be managed by the administrative staff only.
                   Under this circumstances, you are requested to stop such type of non-productive performance by operative staff.
                           So, necessary instruction may kindly be issue on this score as this is not related with MDW.
                       A line of reply as action taken is highly solicited.
                                                                                                                       Yours faithfully,
                                                                                                                      (S. K. BARDHAN)
                                                                                                                          Circle Secretary

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Friday 16 November 2012


All Divisional Secretaries are requested to serve the same including Chartered of Demand

STRIKE Intimation

All India RMS & MMS Employees Union
Group-'C', Mail Guard & M.T.S.

No.                                                                                              Dated – 19th November, 2012

The SSRM/SRM/ Sr. Manager
(Name of the Unit)

 In accordance with the provisions of Sub Section (1) of Section 22 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, we hereby notify that all the Postal/RMS/MMS/Administrative & Postal Accounts Employees and the Gramin Dak Sewaks which are affiliated to Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers will go on one day strike on 12.12.2012. The demands for acceptance of which the employees embark upon One Day Strike are detailed in the Charter of Demands enclosed.
Hony. Divn. Secretary                                                                     Hony. Divn. Secretary
       Group-'C'                                                                                    Mail Guard & MTS


1.         Revise the wages of the Central Government employees including Gramin Dak Sewaks with effect from 1.1.2011 and every five years thereafter by setting up the 7th CPC.
2.         Merge DA with pay for all purposes with effect from. 1.1.2011 including for Gramin Dak Sewaks.
3.         Remove restriction imposed on compassionate appointments and the discrimination on such appointments between the Railway workers and other Central Govt. employees.
4.         (a) Departmentalise all Gramin Dak Sewaks and grant them all benefits of regular employees; End Bonus discrimination and enhance bonus ceiling to 3500/-; withdraw open market recruitment in Postman / MTS cadre; Revise cash handling norms; Grant full protection of TRCA; Grant Time Bound Promotion and Medical Reimbursement facility etc,
(b)       Regularise the daily rated, contingent, casual workers and introduce a permanent scheme for periodical regularisation;
5.         (a) Revive the functioning of the JCM. Convene the meeting of the Departmental Councils in all Ministries/Departments. Settle the anomalies raised in the National Anomaly Committee as also in the Departmental Anomaly Committees. Hold National Council meetings as specified in the JCM constitution. (b) Remove the anomalies in the MACP Scheme.(c) Grant recognition to all Associations/Federations, which have complied with the formalities and conditions stipulated in the CCS(RSA) Rules.
6.         Fill up all vacant posts and create posts on functional requirements.
7.         Stop downsizing outsourcing, contractorization, corporatization and privatisation of Governmental functions.
8.         Stop price rise; strengthen the PDS.
9.         (a) Stop the proposal to introduce the productivity linked wage system; (b) discard the performance related pay structure; (c) introduce PLB in all Departments; (d) remove the ceiling on emoluments for bonus computation.
10.       Revise the OTA, Night duty allowance and clothing rates.
11.       Implement all arbitration awards;
12.       Make the right to strike a legal and fundamental right of the Government employees on par with the other section of the working class.
13.       Grant Five Promotions to all employees as is provided for in the case of Group A services.
14.       (a) Withdraw the PFRDA Bill. (b) Rescind the decision to allow FDI in pension sector ;(c) Scrap the new contributory pension scheme (d) Extend the existing statutory defined pension scheme to all Central Govt. employees irrespective of their date of entry in Government service.
15.       Vacate all Trade Union victimisation, and more specifically in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Tour programme in c/w ensuing proposed Strike on the 12th December, 2012.

Name of the Unit
Name of the Representative
RMS ‘SB’ Division
1. Purulia RMS
08-00 hrs.
S. K. Roy/ S. Chakraborty
2. Bankura RMS
14-00 hrs
S. K. Roy/ S. Chakraborty
3. Kharagpur RMS
10-00 hrs &
18-00 hrs
S. K Bardhan/ R. N. Dhal/
S. Chakraborty/ D. Dey
4. Panskura RMS
To be fix up in consultation with Divisional Union.
5. Howrah HPO Bldg
13-00 hrs
A. Lahiri/ S. Chakraborty
RMS ‘H’ Division
1. Ranaghat RMS
15-30 hrs
S. K. Bardhan/ S. Chakraborty
2. Sainthia RMS
To be fix up in consultation with Divisional Union
Preferably 22.11.2012.
3. Behrampore(B) RMS
4. D.O./ HRO Bldg
13-00 hrs
A. Lahiri/ I. Tewary/ C. Bose/ S. Mitra
5. Sealdah RMS
13-00 hrs
S. K. Roy/ S. Chakraborty/ S. Nandy
MMS Kolkata Division
1. MMS Kalighat
13-00 hrs
S. Roy Bera/ C. Bose/ B. Mondal
2. MMS Howrah
14-00 hrs
S. Mitra/ B. Mondal/ S. Biswas
3. MMS Asansole (At RMS)
14-00 hrs
N.S. Chakraborty/ I. Tewary/ S. Biswas
4. MMS Beleghata
13-00 hrs
RMS ‘WB’ Division
1. Durgapur RMS
11-00 hrs
N.S. Chakraborty/ I. Tewary/ S. Biswas
2. Asansole RMS
14-00 hrs
N.S. Chakraborty/ I. Tewary/ S. Biswas
3. Burdwan RMS
14-00 hrs
Soumen Roy/ s. Chakraborty
4. Howrah HPO Bldg
13-00 hrs
A. Lahiri/ S. Chakraborty
Kolkata RMS Division
1. RLO Building
14-30 hrs
G. Bhattacharjee/ S. Biswas/ C. Bose
2. D.O./ HRO Building
13-00 hrs
S.K. Bardhan/B.N.Bhattacharjee/ S.Chakraborty/ I. Chakraborty
3. South Stg./ BO SB Rd.
16-00 hrs
S. Nandy/ S. Biswas/ C. Bose
4. GPO Complex
Date & time will be fix up in consultation with Divisional Union
Kolkata A.P. Stg. Division
1. D.O./HRO/AHRO Bldg.
13-00 hrs
S. Nandy/ I. Tewary
2. Mail Office
13-00 hrs
Soumen Roy/ S. Chakraborty
RMS ‘SG’ Division
1. Siliguri & N.B. Region
    (Including MMS)
26.11.2012 & 27.11.2012

To be fix up in consultation with Divisional Union.
Circulated from: R-III Circle Union, West Bengal Circle,37,G.C.Avenue,Kol-13.