No.- WB/ 52/ Resolution Date: 30-06-2014.
The Chief Post Master General,
West Bengal Circle,
Yogayog Bhawan,
Kolkata- 700012.
Resolutions adopted in the 33rd Biennial Circle Conference held at
Howrah on & from 6th February, 2014.
Respected Sir,
I, on behalf of this service
union like to draw your kind attention to the following resolutions adopted in
the 33rd Biennial Circle Conference held at Howrah on and from 6th
February, 2014 and hope for your positive approach towards the solution of the
No.1 : Abolition/ Closure/ Merger of the Sets/ Sections.
The 33rd Biennial Circle
Conference notes with deep concern that, the circle Administration is marching
forward towards abolition/ merger of various RMS Mail Offices and Sections
without any discussion with the Staff Side or bringing the Staff Side in
confidence. Consequent on such unilateral decision on the part of the authority
the staff resentment is cropping up. This conference, therefore, urges upon the
Authority to stop such unilateral move in order to maintain the congenial
atmosphere in the Department.
No.2: Reduction of Staff strength in the name of review.
The 33rd Biennial Circle
Conference notes with deep concern that, the circle Administration is marching
forward towards reduction of Staff Strength in different offices e.g. D.O./
H.R.O./ A.H.R.O./ S.R.O. in the name of so called review without taking into
consideration the different elements of works which are to be included in
calculating the working hours. This conference, therefore, urges upon the
Authority to stop such unscientific and irrational review and demands
discussion with the Staff side before taking such sort of measure relating to
Staff interest.
No.3: Repair/ Renovation of RMS Mail Offices and Rest Houses.
The 33rd Biennial Circle
Conference notes with much displeasure that, the most of the RMS offices and
Rest Houses situated at Railway Rented building as well as Departmental
Building are in wretched condition e.g. Ranaghat RMS, Kharagpur RMS, Bankura
RMS, Siliguri RMS, Dum Dum P.O. Building, RLO Building etc. Roofs and walls are
damaged. Rain water pours from the roof. Chunks of concrete hang from the roof.
Workers are to perform duties taking life risk. Any mishap may take place at
any time. Even there is no arrangement for toilet in many offices. In a word
there is no workable condition at all in most of the RMS offices. Same
condition lies in the Rest Houses. This conference, therefore, demands repair/
renovation of those RMS offices and rest houses on war footing measure.
No.4: Sending back of officials of Kolkata RMS officials attached with Kolkata
AP Stg. Division.
The 33rd Biennial Circle
Conference urges upon the Authority to take immediate steps for sending back
the officials of Kolkata RMS Division, presently attached to Kolkata AP Stg.
Division, to their parent division considering the hazards and difficulties
faced by those officials.
No.5: Provision of proper infrastructure at newly opened Parcel HUBs in
different offices.
The 33rd Biennial Circle
Conference notes with much displeasure that, the Authority has introduced
Parcel Hubs without providing proper infrastructure. Such abrupt steps without
providing working atmosphere with minimum requirement have caused much
resentment amongst the Staff. This conference, therefore, urges upon the
Authority to provide proper infrastructure without any delay for smooth
functioning of the newly introduced Parcel Hubs.
No.6: Betterment of the P&T residential quarters.
The 33rd Biennial Circle
Conference observes with deep concern that, the P&T residential quarters
are in so wretched condition that the employees residing at the quarters suffer
much trouble. Maintenance are not regular. Administration is quite reluctant to
keep the quarters suitable for residence. The situation is becoming worse day
after day due to carelessness on the part of the Administration. This
conference demands proper maintenance and up-liftment of the P&T quarters
for the sake of creating safe, secured and comfortable atmosphere in the
residential complex.
No.7: Withdrawal of the order of Merger of RP Stg and TD RP with newly created
Parcel Hub at Kolkata RMS Dn.
The 33rd Biennial Circle
Conference notes with deep concern that, in the name of MNOP, RP Stg. of
Kolkata RMS has been merged quite unilaterally ignoring the Staff interest and
the interest of the public mails as well. This conference, therefore, demands
restoration of Kolkata RP Sorting and TD RP with separate entity as before.
Your views and steps taken towards the
solution of the issues may kindly be communicated.
Thanking you,
Hony. Circle Secretary.