Organise, if you want to survive, Organise, if you want to ensure job security, Organise, if you want to ensure better wages, Organise, if you want your Pension to be protected, Organise, if you want your Trade Union Rights to remain.

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Circle Working Committee meeting Held on 16/12/2014

The Circle Working Committee Meeting of AIRMS & MMS EU Gr.-‘C’ West Bengal Circle was held on 16/12/2014 at Tarapada Memorial Hall. All the Office Bearer and the Divisional Secretaries were present in the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Com. Surya Kumar Roy, President of the Circle Union. Report of Central Working Committee Meeting held at Dwarka during 23rd to 24th December 2014 and report of Parliament march on 4th and 5th December 2014 were placed in the meeting. Organizational position was reviewed. The following important discussion was taken in the meeting:
1. Circle Council Meeting of R3 will be held during 15th to 16th January 2015. Kolkata RMS Division will be the host of the Circle Council Meeting. Notice of the Circle Council Meeting will be issued shortly.
2.Divisional programme on local issues to be taken from 3rd week of January 2015 and to be completed within 2nd week of February 2015. Memorandum on burning issues of the Divisional level will be submitted to the respective divisional Head.
3. Agitation Programme viz Demonstration, Dharna will be launched at Yogayog Bhawan  by the Circle Union.  Particular  mode of the programme will be communicated  later on.
4. Circle leader will go on tour to Different Division in connection with the programme to be launched by Divisional Union.
5. Intensive and sincere campaign programme will have to be made up to Branch Level for strengthening the membership position in connection with membership renewal programme of 2015.

Conference News

12th    Joint Biennial Divisional Conference of AIRMS and MMS EU Gr. - ‘C’, MTS- Gr. ‘C’ & Mail Guard, MMS Kolkata were held at MMS, Beleghata,  Kolkata 15 during 13th to 14th December 2014. Conference of HQ Branch was also held at same time. The Conference was inaugurated by veteran CG Employees leader Com. Sib Shankar Roy on 13th December 2014 at 11:00hrs. Open secession was inaugurated by Com. S. K. Bardhan, President CHQ, R3. Both the Circle Secretaries of R3 and R4 were present all along the conference and delivered their speech. Divisional Secretaries of the different RMS division of the Circle addressed the conference. Com. Surya Kumar Ray, Com Ramji, and Com. Subrata Mondal were elected as the President, Secretary and Financial Secretary respectively of the Divisional Union. Com. Phuleswar Misra, Com. Anisul Ambia and Com. Monish Roy were elected as the President, Secretary and Financial Secretary respectively of the HQ Branch, MMS Kolkata. The Conference ended with grand success.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Joint Divisional Working Committee Meeting of NFPE, R3 and R4 of All Divisions, West Bengal Circle held on 02/12/2014 at Krishnapada Ghosh Memorial Hall, Sealdah.

As per discussion taken in the Circle Working Committee Meeting of 05/11/2014 all the Divisional Union arranged their Joint Executive Committee Meeting on 02/12/2014 at Krishnapada Ghosh Memorial Hall, Sealdah. More than 120 Working Committee Members from different Divisional Union of NFPE, R3 and R4 attended the meeting. All Divisional Secretaries of R3 and R4 delivered their speech highlighting the burning issues of respective Division. General Secretary R3, Com Giriraj Singh was present in the meeting and delivered his valuable speech enlighting the members on various issues raised by the Divisional representative. He insisted on preparing the rank and file up to the Branch Level for struggle coming in near future at the call of All India Postal JCA and Confederation.

The Meeting ended conveying heartiest thanks to the General Secretary for attending Meeting.