Organise, if you want to survive, Organise, if you want to ensure job security, Organise, if you want to ensure better wages, Organise, if you want your Pension to be protected, Organise, if you want your Trade Union Rights to remain.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015


Circle Council Meeting of AIRMS & MMS EU Gr. ‘C’, West Bengal Circle Branch was held on 15th and 16th January 2015 at Kolkata GPO Auditorium, Kolkata – 70001. The Council Meeting was inaugurated by Com. Pijush Ray, General Secretary, CGCC, West Bengal. He in his inaugural speech called for preparing all cross sections of RMS employees for forth coming struggles  to be launched at All India level at the call of all Central Trade Unions. Com. Tapan Dasgupta, Jt. Conveyor of 12th July Committee addressed the open session of the Council Meeting and inspired the audience to prepare themselves for a serious struggle in forth coming days against the all out attacks on the working class. Com. S. K. Bardhan, President CHQ, R- III, Com Nirmal Channdra Dey, Circle Secretary, P –IV Union, West Bengal Circle, Com. Sanjoy Chakraborty, Circle Secretary R- IV, West Bengal Circle, Com. Janardan Majumder Circle Secretary , P – III, West Bengal Circle, Com. Asit Das, Circle Secretary, SBCO, West Bengal Circle, Com . Amit Mondal, Circle Secretary, DRM and Casual Workers’ Union, West Bengal Circle and many other leaders from West Bengal Circle addressed the Council Meeting. programmes of Agitation movement from Branch Level to Circle level on different local issues have been decided to be undertaken from  3rd week of February 2015 to Last Week of March 2015. It was further resolved that a massive agitation proagramme including Day Long Dharna at Yogayog Bhawan will be arranged on any day of 1st week of April 2015. The particular date will be announced later.
The participants of the circle Council meeting conveyed their heartiest thanks to the comrade of Kolkata RMS Division for making wonderful arrangement in all respect in connection with the Circle Council Meeting. The Circle Council Meeting ended with grand success. Most of the Divisional and Branch Secretaries were present and delivered their views in the Council Meeting.