Organise, if you want to survive, Organise, if you want to ensure job security, Organise, if you want to ensure better wages, Organise, if you want your Pension to be protected, Organise, if you want your Trade Union Rights to remain.

Thursday, 8 December 2016

As per decision taken in the Joint Circle Working Committee meeting held on 6/12/2016 observe ‘PROTEST DAY’ on 9th December 2016 during tiffin hours in all RMS and MMS Divisions of this Circle and send ‘Saving Gram’ on the following issues.

“Text of the Saving Gram”
1)      To
The Chief Postmaster General
West Bengal Circle
Kolkata- 70012
2)      To
The Post Master General ((Mails & BD)
West Bengal Circle
Kolkata – 700012
3)      To
The Postmaster General
North Bengal & Sikkim Region
4)      The SSRM/ SRM

1)      Immediate arrangement of Payment of monthly Salary in cash to those employees who were drawing their salary in cash as per provision contained to DTE’s Memo No: 2-1/2007-078/PA (Tech-I) D 813- 897 dt. 11/12/2014
2)      Immediate arrangement for payment of monthly wages to the DRMs and offering them casual status as per DTE’s order dtd 17/06/2016
3)      Immediate announcement of the Report of the GDS Committee.
4)      Immediate implementation of Cadre Restructuring in RMS and MMS.

Signature of Divisional Secretaries
( Both R- III & R-IV)