The 31st Divisional and 60th Head Quarters Branch Conference of RMS 'SG' Division was held on 29th December, 2019 at Bhabani Bhawan, Siliguri. Com. Durga Shankar Rakshit, Divisional President hoisted the red flag of NFPE. Com. Abhijit Raha, Assistant Secretary, CGECC, West Bengal inaugurated the Conference. Com. Rameswar Bakshi, Com. Samir Ghosh, Com. Sudip Sen, Com. Sukanta Munsi, Com. Dhushar Kanti Dey, Com. Krishna Debnath delivered their speeches in Open Session. Delegates from various branches under RMS 'SG' Division offered their view regarding organization, office work, problems etc. Com. Santanu Nandy, C/S, delivered his speech. Com. Subhasis Chakraborty, Dn. Secretary and Com. Bikram Basak, Offt. Dn. Secretary answered the quotients. Com. Durga Shankar Raksit and Com. Bikram Basak was elected as Divisional President and Divisional Secretary respectively. The Conference ensure to success the 8th January, 2020 Strike.