Organise, if you want to survive, Organise, if you want to ensure job security, Organise, if you want to ensure better wages, Organise, if you want your Pension to be protected, Organise, if you want your Trade Union Rights to remain.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Memorandum Submitted by Joint Council of Action of West Bengal Circle regarding AMPC and operation part thereof

A mass Demonstration  organized by JCA at Circle office on 27-08-2012 before the Chamber of Chief PMG and a memorandum submitted as below.
 Ref.No.WB/AMPC/Joint Movement/2012                                                   Dated :27.08.2012
1)             Ms. H. Ahmed,                                            2) Sri V. K. Gupta
          Chief Postmaster General                                 Postmaster General(MM)
          West Bengal Circle                                           West Bengal Circle
          Yogayog Bhawan                                             Yogayog Bhawan
          Kolkata – 700012.                                             Kolkata – 700012.
                                   Memorandum: AMPC & related part thereof.
       This mass demonstration under the banner of NFPE and FNPO group of Circle Unions, West Bengal Circle like to draw your kind attention and urges for immediate settlement for smooth functioning of mail movement in our Department.
       Though in repeated approaches were put to your good office but due to the reluctant attitude by the administration it was not materialized for which the public mails suffered and staff are harassed.
       Considering the spirit of the situation hope administration will come forward and settle it accordingly.

                                                      Yours faithfully,
Circle Secretary             Circle Secretary                Circle Secretary        Circle Secretary
R-III(NFPE)                   R-III(FNPO)                     P-III(NFPE)              P-III(FNPO)

(N.C.DEY)                 (S. MUKHERJEE)                (T. DUTTA)        (S. CHAKRABORTY)
Circle Secretary           Circle Secretary                 Circle Secretary          Circle Secretary
P-IV(NFPE)                     P-IV(FNPO)                      R-IV(FNPO)              R-IV(NFPE)

Circle Secretary

Copy to: Sri S. Ranjan, DPS(HQ), O/o the Ch.PMG, W.B.Circle,Kol-12 for information.

R. M. S.  Feature
 Considering all aspect and compulsion we are not against Automatic Mail Processing Centre at Kolkata. It was our understanding that Department will consider the existence of all Mail Offices at the time of installation of AMPC. But we are very sorry to say that the existence of Kol. RMS, Sealdah RMS now at this moment in danger and in future the other Mail Offices may also effecte.
       So considering these all and the gravity of the situation we demand the following for immediate settlement for the existence of these offices.
 i)                    Introduction of 1st class L1 office at Sealdah RMS and Kharagpur RMS.
 ii)                  Introduction of 2nd class L1 office at Kol. RMS and Sealdah RMS.
      iii)    Segregation of mails can handle by Kol. RMS and allow Kol. RMS to                              handle the non-machinable mails.
 iv)      On the other hand it also came to our notice that proper infrastructure like sitting arrangement etc. not being provided at AMPC for the officials and the harassment of staff are going on, composition of set not yet been finalized, staff are unnecessary harassed administration is reluctant.
          So, the organization requests you to take a positive approach so that the relation between official side and staff side can run in the same path for the revival of our Department.
M.M.S Schedules
  1)                  Regarding MMS Schedule we firmly expressed at the time of discussion on 23rd August at conference room that on behalf of organization we have submitted the proposal, but it was denied that it was not a proposal. Here in this aspect we are submitting the copy which was given as suggestion/proposal on 29.03.2012(Ref. No. WB/42 dtd. 29.03.12)
 2)                  At the time of discussion we were informed that the number of schedules would be increased. In this connection we like to mentioned that Circle Office Memo No. MLS/TSO Sch/MMS/12(A) dtd. 27.7.2012 where it reflects that the information which was placed not tallied(copy is enclosed here with)
 3)                  We like to submit the following information:- Number of operational vehicles at Beliaghata 60 and Howrah 11 including off vehicles. We want proper utilization of vehicles and man power.
a)      The time contribution for running vehicles from one office to other office in c/w 1st TSO schedule is not sufficient, for an example we can mentioned about Sch. No. 101,102 etc.
 b)     Stop whimsical introduction of schedules by ASRM of Kol. RMS/Kol. A.P.Stg./M.A, Sealdah RMS.
 c)      Collection of mails are not required with 1st TSO, so it should be stopped.
 d)     The DHL Hub in Sch. No. 016 to be stopped for the safety and security of the staff at night.
 e)      The staff who are plying with the schedules to be delivered the mails with respective sections , if the sections are running late they may be relieved at MA, Howrah/MA, Sealdah or other Mail Agent point with in their duty hours.
 f)       All the schedules will touch Post Offices for to collect the mails in c/w 3rd TSO.
 g)      In morning TSO- Discontinuation of AMPC connection is suggested.
 h)     Additional Night Schedules are required at least two(2).
 i)        More Speed Schedules are required.
 j)       Separate Feeder Services are required for AMPC/Howrah/Sealdah.
 k)     This is most important and pertinent that Drivers will not stay on wheel more than 6 ½ hrs. so the schedule to be maintained accordingly.
l)        The Schedule  No. 010, 012, 302, 307, 309, 310, 316, 319, 320 are culminating in late night it should be rectified immediately.

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