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Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Circle Union wrote regarding Payment of salary through Bank/ Cheque to PMG(NB&Sikkim)

No.- WB/17                                                                                                      Date: 02-04-2013

Sri I. Pangerungsang,
Post Master General,
NB & Sikkim Region,
 Sub: Payment of salary through Bank/ Cheque.
            It is an issue which was cropped up vide DG Post order no. 2-1/2007-08-PA(Tech-I) D-255-326 Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-1, Dated 14.05.2009 after implementation of 6th CPC.
             On behalf of the Staff Side we took up the case with the Authority in the highest forum of the Circle level in RC(JCM) as it is a policy issue.
             On 17.06.2009 after expressing the views of the Staff Side and urges for a meeting with official side and after a long discussion it was decided upon that, there is no forcible imposition. Accordingly one instruction was issued on the 1st July, 2009 for obtaining option for the Staff vide letter no. A&P/B/Salary Payment/09.
             Again it can be reiterated that as per Gazette Notification of the ministry of Finance Dt. 11.04.2012 it was mentioned that “the Govt. Servants are permitted to receive the salary by Direct credit to their Bank accounts or in Cash or by Cheque at their option” (Page 8/8).
             But it came to know that the order is not being followed in RMS ‘SG’ Division. So I would like to request you to advise the Divisional Head accordingly.
             A positive action is highly solicited.

  Yours faithfully,
(S.K. Bardhan)

Circle Secretary,


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