Organise, if you want to survive, Organise, if you want to ensure job security, Organise, if you want to ensure better wages, Organise, if you want your Pension to be protected, Organise, if you want your Trade Union Rights to remain.

Saturday, 31 August 2013


It is reported that PFRDA Bill will be take up in Parliament for discussion and adoption on 2nd September. Confederation National Secretariat once again calls upon all Central Government Employees to organize 2 hour walkout and nationwide protest demonstration on the day if bill is taken up or on the next day if information received late.

Friday, 16 August 2013

better late, than never!!

at last department of posts and ministry of communications admitted that mckensey model (mnop) l1, l2 is a total failure 
orders issued to restore the old position name remains (L1, L2) but the scheme stands scraped the stand taken by the jca (nfpe & fnpo) from the very beginning has been proved right.
it is a victory for our continuous campaign and struggles including the decision for indefinite strike which compelled the department to give an assurance that no rms offices will be closed.
nfpe congratulates the entire postal and rms employees for this victory.
Now the question to be answered by the authorities are:
1.     Who is responsible for the delay caused to the public mails due to back-routing for the last two years?
2.     Who is responsible for the loss of public faith and trust in the Postal department due to heavy delay caused due to L1, L2 in processing and transmission of public mails?
3.     Who is responsible for paying an amount of more than 100 crores to be Mckensey Consultancy for this anti-people, anti-worker, “Tuglak Model” reforms?
4.     Who are those behind this shady deal with the Mckensy consultancy?  Why are they not taken to task?

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

CHQ wrore against Negative attitude of PMG(MM) of WB Circle

No.RIII/25/3/2013                       Dated 05-08-2013

Shri S.K.Sinha
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi-110 116

Sub: Negative attitude and approach by PMG (MM)- Case of West Bengal Circle.
          Here we are submitting a report sent by the Circle Secretary West Bengal Circle about the role of PMG (MM) which may cause a great resentment amongst the staff and may outburst at any moment. So under this circumstances we urges your kind intervention immediately to restrain the PMG(MM).
          The facts now stating below:
1.            PMG(MM) has a tendency to violate the Directorate’s instruction.
2.            Since last few months he played a parallel administration.
3.            Violating the Minutes as agreed in the Strike Chartered of Demand is a tendency particularly by PMG(MM).
4.            Circle Union requested to the Chief PMG for proper counseling to PMG(MM).
5.            The excess expenditure in Non-Plan Head being incurred by PMG(MM).
6.            Bi-Monthly Meetings are not holding in time for which across the table settlement being delayed.
7.            Unilateral decisions are being taken keeping Service Union in Dark.

     Hope your good offices will take a positive step for early settlement.
     Thanking you,  

                                                                                         Yours faithfully,
                                                                                                                                                                (Giri Raj Singh)
                                                                                        General Secretary

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Circle Union decided to organize meeting/campaign programme at recess hours of every Offices under West Bengal Circle against PFRDA Bill.

All Divisional Secretaries are requested to organize accordingly. 

Ultimately Directorate approved the Demand/ Proposal which we suggested earlier. 

Implementation of Redesigned Network for First & Second Class Mail: Review of Bag Closing Pattern regarding.

O.M. No. 30-7/2012-D
dated 07.08.13 dated 07.08.13.

            Reference is invited to Directorate O.M. even number dated 01.02.2012 regarding implementation of the redesigned network for First Class mail followed by OMs of even no. dated 21.03.12 and 28.09.12 with respect to manner of sorting and bag closing by Business Post Centres (BPC) and Mail Business Centres (MBCs) handling outward bulk mail only. Attention is also drawn to the Directorate O.M. no. 30-19/2012-D dated 09.05.2012 regarding implementation of redesigned network for Second Class Mail.

 2.        The manner of closing of bags between mail offices as prescribed under redesigned network for First and Second class mail was under review at this Directorate and it has now been decided that all L 1 and L 2 mail offices situated within a circle would be permitted to close bags for each other with respect of First Class (unregistered and registered) and Second Class mail in addition to the pattern of bag closing prescribed earlier. Thus, the revised arrangement, the pattern of bag closing would be as under:

(a)        All L-1 mail offices will close direct bag for each other. All L-1 and L-2 mail offices situated within a circle will close direct bag for each other. An L-1 office will also close bags for all L-2 offices as well as delivery post offices mapped /attached to it.

(b)       All L-2 offices attached/mapped to an L-1 office can close bags for that particular L-1 office. Now an L-2 mail office will also close direct bag for all other L-1 and L-2 mail offices of the same Circle as well. An L-2 office will also close bags for all delivery post offices mapped to it.

(c)        In case of inter-Circle mail, any demand for exceptions in terms of closing of bags between one mail office and another, which in not prescribed under the redesigned network, would continue to be approved by the Directorate. However, as an exception, all L-1 and L-2 mail offices geographically falling under Assam and NE Circle may close bags for each other as communicated earlier in July 2012.
3.         The First Class unregistered and Registered bags to be closed between L-1 offices, between all L 1 and L 2 offices situated within a circle, between L-1 office and L-2 offices  mapped to it and vice versa, and between L-1/-2 offices and post offices mapped to them and vice versa will be traded as “Due Bags”. These would be no due bags in case of second class mail.

4.         CEPT Mysore would make necessary changes in R-Net mapping release the revised script to all circles immediately
5.         The existing instructions with respect to bag closing by Business Post Centres would continue.

6.         Circles may issue revise the Due Mail and Sorting list at the mail offices concerned immediately.
Director (Mail Management)

Holidays to be observed in Central Government Offices During the year 2014

(Click to view details)

Friday, 9 August 2013

PFRDA Bill listed in the agenda of the present session of Parliament. National Secretariat of the Confederation calls upon the entirety of the Central Government Employees to Conduct Two hour Walk out and nationwide protest Demonstrations on the day when the Bill is taken up for discussion or on the Next day if information is received late.
All the Divisional Secretaries are requested to prepare the organization to Conduct that struggle successfully. 

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Seminar on Historic Movement of P&T Employee on 29th July, 1946.

A discussion took place at Kolkata RMS GPO Building Auditorium organized by Kolkata RMS Division on the 07th August, 2013. Com. R.L. Bhattacharjee, Ex. Dy. Secretary General of NFPE was the main speaker.

Com. Chittaranjan Dutta, Com. Sumit Bhattacjarjee & Com. Soumen Roy presided over the meeting. The members pay their homage to the leaders who passed away and sacrificed their lives at the cost of the movement.

Com. R.L. Bhattacharjee expressed in details about the history of the movement. Expressed about the role of Com. Dada Ghosh and other leaders and how the strike was developed not only in West Bengal but throughout India. The strike was spread in so density manner for which Govt. Was compelled to declare” good conduct pay” – who participated in the strike. After the Second World War the P&T movement was the historic one which open the path of the Independence struggle in India. He also expressed about the militancy of lower grade union and RMS union under the leadership of Com. Dada Ghosh and Com. K.G. Bose. In the light of the movement he also expressed about the present situation, he tried to advice that now at this movement the unity is devise to develop unity of working class, at the same time unity as a whole to achieve the target.

             The role of Com. Dalvi can not be ruled of. His role for develop the unity of the working class is a lesion of us. The History says when there is a attack the working class united. A good number of workers participated in the programme. Com. S. K. Bardhan and Com. Sanjoy Chakraborty on behalf of Circle Union were also present in the programme. The commitment of the 1946 strike was nothing but the unity of the working class – the movement against hungry, to establish the struggle of socialism.