A discussion took place at Kolkata RMS GPO
Building Auditorium organized by Kolkata RMS Division on the 07th
August, 2013. Com.
R.L. Bhattacharjee, Ex. Dy. Secretary General of NFPE was the main speaker.
Com. Chittaranjan Dutta, Com. Sumit
Bhattacjarjee & Com. Soumen Roy presided over the meeting. The members pay
their homage to the leaders who passed away and sacrificed their lives at the
cost of the movement.
R.L. Bhattacharjee expressed in details about the history of the movement. Expressed
about the role of Com. Dada Ghosh and other leaders and how the strike was
developed not only in West Bengal but throughout India. The strike was spread in so
density manner for which Govt. Was compelled to declare” good conduct pay” –
who participated in the strike. After the Second World War the P&T movement
was the historic one which open the path of the Independence
struggle in India.
He also expressed about the militancy of lower grade union and RMS union under
the leadership of Com. Dada Ghosh and Com. K.G. Bose. In the light of the
movement he also expressed about the present situation, he tried to advice that
now at this movement the unity is devise to develop unity of working class, at
the same time unity as a whole to achieve the target.
role of Com. Dalvi can not be ruled of. His role for develop the unity of the
working class is a lesion of us. The History says when there is a attack the
working class united. A good number of workers participated in the programme.
Com. S. K. Bardhan and Com. Sanjoy Chakraborty on behalf of Circle Union were
also present in the programme. The commitment of the 1946 strike was nothing
but the unity of the working class – the movement against hungry, to establish
the struggle of socialism.
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