Organise, if you want to survive, Organise, if you want to ensure job security, Organise, if you want to ensure better wages, Organise, if you want your Pension to be protected, Organise, if you want your Trade Union Rights to remain.

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Notice of Circle Conference

     No.WB/52/C.C.                                                               Dated at Kol-13, the 01 /01/2014


            It is hereby notified that the 33rd Biennial Circle Conference of All India RMS & MMS Employees’ Union Group-‘C’, West Bengal Circle Branch will be held on and from the 6th February to 9th February, 2014 at Howrah. The Conference will be preceded by holding Circle Council Meeting on 6th February, 2014 at 11-00 a.m. at Delegate Camp. The Agenda of the Circle Council will comprise the Agenda of the Circle Conference as notified. All Office Bearers of the Circle Union, all Divisional Secretaries & Branch Secretaries are requested to attend the Circle Council Meeting on the date and time positively.

The conference will be inaugurated at 14-00 hrs. on 6th February, 2014 at “Gulmohor” Railway Institute, Howrah. Delegate session will be held at Howrah Medical Club Hall (Near Orthopedic Hospital), Howrah. Delegate Camp will be housed at “4 No. Sadar Bakshi Lane (House of Mr. S. K. Roy)”. All the Delegates are requested to reach the Delegate Camp by the 6th February, 2014 before 9-00 a.m. morning.

            In this connection attention of all Branch and Divisional Secretaries is invited to article 16(a), 48(a) and 92 of the Union constitution to elect the delegates in the general Body Meeting only after receipt of this notice. The list of delegates should be forwarded to the Reception Committee along with the number of lady Delegates well in advance under intimation to the Circle Secretary.

            Item of agenda is enclosed herewith.

            All Branch and Divisional Secretaries are also requested to be well prepared to about their list of delegates with delegation fees, Circle Union funds etc. to the Reception Committee on the 6th February, 2014 morning at 09.00 a.m. and have the Conference documents well in advance.
                                                                                               (S. K. Bardhan)
                                                                 Circle Secretary

Item of Agenda:

  1. Confirmation of the proceedings of 32nd Bi-ennial Circle Conference held at Salt Lake, Kolkata from 26th December, 2011.
  2. Adoption of the Biennial Report for the period from January, 2012 to December, 2013.
  3. Adoption of Audited statement of Accounts for the year 2011(April) – 2012(March) and 2012(April) – 2013(March) and presentation of supplementary Accounts from 2012(April) – 2013(December) subject to Audit.
  4. Approval of the Budget of Estimate for the year 2013-14 & 2014-2015.
  5. R.M.S. Problems:
i) Closure/Merger of offices ii) Reorganization of MMS, MNOP, Sorting Hub & ICSH iii) Functioning of CRC’s, SPCC, EPP, Logistic etc., iv) A.M.P.C, v) Supply of Mail Van in Running Sections, vi) Functioning of TVP.
  1. M.M.S. problems:
i) Recruitment of Drivers, ii) Supply of New vehicles, iii) M.M.S. Schedules, iv) Purchase of spare parts, v) Promotional prospects in different cadres, vi) Other Problems.
  1. Postal problems.
i) Review of Strike for the year 2012 & 2013.  ii) Settlement of demands., iii) Introduction of New scheme in Postal Dept., iv) Promotion to LSG, HSG-II, HSG-I & MACP, v) Proposed Postal(Dak) Bill., vi) Proposed corporate plan in Postal Department including IT Modernization project.
  1. C.G. Problems:
i) Pending of C.G. demands and Arbitration awards, ii) Privatization, Modernization, corporatization & out sourcing, iii) New Pension (PFRDA) Bill, iv) Anomaly in 6th CPC, v) 7th CPC.

  1. Review of  i) Present situation, ii) United movement - 12th July Committee, C.G.C.C., United movement Committee, iii) Other organizations:- Confederation, NFPE(CHQ), Circle, Divisions & Branches unions, iv) Local problems, v) D.R.M/Casual Workers in R.M.S. & M.M.S., vi) Working Women Group.
  2. Policy & programme.
  3. Adoption of Resolution.
  4. Circle union Journal- RMS & MMS News.
  5. Election of Office bearers for the year 2014 & 2015.
  6. Venue of the next Circle Conference.
  7. Any other item permission with the chair.
  8. Vote of thanks.
                                                                                                                                (S. K. BARDHAN)
                                                                                                                                 Circle Secretary
Copy to:
  1. General Secretary, AIRMS& MMS EU, Gr.-C(CHQ),New Delhi.
  2. Secretary General, NFPE, New Delhi.
  3. The Ch.PMG,W.B.Circle, Kolkata- 700012.
  4. The PMG(MM)/The PMG(NB & Sikkim Region),
  5. All Circle Working Committee members.
  6. All Divisional Secretaries/Branch Secretaries.

                                                                                                                          (S. K. BARDHAN)
                                                                                                                          Circle Secretary

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