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Monday, 3 February 2014

Circle Union wrote Regarding Establishment Review

Ref. No. WB/6                                                                                           Dated: 03.02.2014.

Sri V.K. Gupta,
Postmaster General (MM),
West Bengal Circle,
Yogayog Bhawan,
Kolkata – 700012.

Sub: Regarding Establishment Review.
           We have already expressed our views in connection with the Establishment Review of D.O., HRO, AHRO and SRO at the time of discussion today. Though we belief it is a continuous process but at the time of review the procedure which is adopted is not at per with the guideline specified by the Directorate.

           Sir, it is not the question of any whims or to satisfy any person, the procedure for review already been directed from the Directorate and the specification has been mentioned in the “PTC Mysore Establishment Norms”.

           So far our information received from various divisions the Guideline of “Malinder Singh Formula” and “Punjab Formula” not being followed properly.

           In this connection we can reiterate our discussion and even letter dated 21-01-2014, we like to mention the following points:
i)               For the post of Sub Division IRM- The Guideline vide DG P&T No. 6-56/61-PE Dt. 26.04.1962, No. 6-22/79-PE-II(I) Dt. 28.05.1979 and No. 6/62/77-PE-II Dt. 23.05.1979 not followed.
ii)             The Post of ASPO(HQ) is sanctioned in every RMS Divisional Office where the Strength of OA’s in Divisional Office exceed 16 (Excluding LRs and Complaints OA) vide DG P&T No. 28-18/74-PE-I Dt. 16.06.1974- violated, urges for proper justice.

Considering these all facts we again demand the proper review of the Offices mentioned above in each RMS and MMS Divisions. Gravity of the situation demands your immediate action and a line of reply on this score.

Thanking you,
                                                                                                 Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                (S. K. BARDHAN)
                                                                                                               Circle Secretary

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