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Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Circle Union wrote regarding Review of Workload in HRO/AHRO/SRO in various RMS Division

Ref. No. WB/6                                                                                           Dated: 03.04.2014.

Sri J. Panda,
Chief Postmaster General,
West Bengal Circle,
Yogayog Bhawan,
Kolkata – 700012.
Sub: Review of Workload in HRO/AHRO/SRO in various RMS Division.
           Regarding Review of Workload in HRO/AHRO/SRO a specific Guideline has given by the Department. But the Divisional Authorities are not followed the order properly. Some personal directions and interventions created the problems in various Divisions.

           The guideline of PUNJAB Formula, MALINDER SINGH Formula, MADAN KISHORE Formula and the Establishment Norms issued by “PTC Mysore” are totally violated.
           The new factors such as works relating to payment of salary through Bank/P.O., deduction of Income Tax (as the more officials are involved with), Children education allowances, PLI policy holder(new members are increasing), checking of vouchers, works relating to New Pension Scheme, Web complaints, KPI Monitoring, posting of co-operative deduction etc., were not taking into account.

           The matter was brought to your kind notice vide this Union letter no. WB/52 Dt. 07/10-03-2014(item No. V).

           Sir, considering this facts we again urge upon you to take proper Review in fresh (in particular RMS ‘WB’ Dn & RMS ‘H’ Dn.) for smooth functioning of those units and the Divisions also. Hope your good offices will advice the Divisional Heads accordingly.  

Thanking you,
                                                                                               Yours faithfully,
                                                                                               (Aparesh Lahiri)
                                                                                               Circle Secretary
Copy to:
Sri A.B. Roy, ADPS(Mails), O/o Chief Post Master General,West Bengal Circle, Kolkata- 700012.- For information & n.a.

                                                                                               Yours faithfully,
                                                                                               (Aparesh Lahiri)
                                                                                                             Circle Secretary          

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