Organise, if you want to survive, Organise, if you want to ensure job security, Organise, if you want to ensure better wages, Organise, if you want your Pension to be protected, Organise, if you want your Trade Union Rights to remain.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Divisional Conference of RMS ‘H’ Division

Conference of Head Quarter, RMS ‘H’ Division and the 7th Joint Biennial Divisional Conference of AIRMS & MMS EU Gr.’C’ Mail Guard and MTS Gr. ’C’ of RMS ‘H’ Division was held on 12th and 13th Nov’14 at Krishna Pada Ghosh Memorial Hall Sealdah, Kolkata. The Conference as started through Open Session by inaugural Speech of Com. Tapan Kumar Dasgupta, Convener 12th July Committee and the President, CGCC, West Bengal. In this speech, Com. Dasgupta highlighted the present social –economic condition of the Country, our Departmental issues and our task in future as an advanced part of the working class. Com. S.K. Bardhan, President, CHQ, R-III also addressed the Conference. Circle Secretaries, Circle Presidents. Divisional Secretaries from Kolkata RMS Dn, RMS WB Dn, MMS Kolkata,  Kol. AP Sorting Division kept their deliberations. 18 members discussed on the Annual Report placed by the Divisional Secretaries, RMS ‘H’ Division.  The Report and the Account were passed unanimously. Com. Nabyendu Sekhar Chakrarborty, Com. Sibnath Chakraborty and Com. Shyamal Kumar Das II were elected as the President, Seceretary and the Treasurer of the Divisional Union R-III respectively. Com Arup Chatterjee, Com Biraj Mondal  and Com Shyamal Kumar Das-II were elected as the President, Secretary and Treasurer , R III of Head Quarter Br. Com Ashoke Kr. Roy Chowdhury, Com Chandan Banik and Com. Shyamal Ghosh were elected as the President, Secretary and the Treasurer of the Divisional Union R-IV respectively.

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