Ganesh Chandra Avenue, Kolkata - 13
Com. Giriraj Singh
General Secretary
New Delhi
: Anomalies in c/w implementation of 7th CPC recommendations.
Respected Comrade,
Anomalies have come to our notice while going through the orders issued by the
Government of India and Department of Posts , for implementation of 7th
CPC recommendations . We on behalf of our circle union like to draw your kind
attention to the following anomalies and request you to take up the matter to
the appropriate level for redressal.
Anomaly No. 1. – Incremental Anomalies :
7th CPC had recommended for annual
increment of 3% to each official but in
many cases according to pay matrix benefit due to the annual increment has
become less than 3%. The rate of annual increment must be ensure at least 3%,
by no mean less that 3% should be allowed. Hence suggested if after calculation
@3% of the previous stage, the amount
reaches at the level higher than the stage stipulated at the pay
matrix(just below stage of the previous one) the pay should be fixed at the
next higher stage.
The annual increment has been allowed in the
month of January in case of new entrants who will join or get promotion between
January to June of the Year but the officials who will retire after 31st
December of every year , completing 6 (six) month after getting their last
increment in the month of month of July of the previous year of their
retirement, no benefit of increment is available for those categories of
officials though render more than 6 (Six) month service required for getting
increment. Hence to make good their loss of incremental benefit it is suggested
that one addition increment is to be allowed those officials( who are due to
retire between January to June either in
the month of retirement in the month of the officials or at the time of
fixation of pay on 01/01/2016 .
Anomaly 2: Fixation of Pay
Loss of status of seniority in terms of pay:
At the time of fixation of pay on 01/01/2016 as per 7th
CPC recommendation it is seen that pay of the senior official has been fixed at
the stage equal to the stage to which the pay of officials junior to him in
service by 2 (two) to 5 (five) years and thus the status of the senior
officials in terms of pay has been suffered . Though one order had been issued
vide Circular No 1-6/2016 -1C, Department of Expenditure, Implementation Cell
Dated 07/09/2016 in connection with benching of pay , this facility is
available on in respect of the higher graded officials subject to the condition
that the difference of the pay of the senior officials was at least 3% or more
in the pre-revised scale than his junior. But in the lower- grade MTS, PA/SA is
this facilities is not practically feasible and the senior MTS, PA/SA officials
are worst suffered for want any scope for getting any increment as a result of
bunching of pay with the juniors. Therefore it is requested that additional
increment / increments should be allowed for bunching of Pay of the senior
officials with that of their junior.
As a result of ignoring the fraction upto 50
Paise , in many cases the officials are being deprived to achieve the higher
stage . So provision should be made so that after multiplication by 2.57 if the
amount become higher by any figure of fraction than any particular stage, the
pay should be fixed at the next higher stage.
Anomaly - 3. Exercise of options:
present officials promoted between January to June 2016, allowed to exercise
their option with a view to getting their pay fixed from the date of DNI i.e
from July 2016 under FR-22 (1)(a)(i) but it is not clear whether the officials
who will get promotion after July 2016 onwards will be allowed to exercise option from their date of
DNI the same proviso.
Anomaly – 4: Promotion:
In case of promotion from MACP – I to MACP – II
the official will get benefit of difference of Grade Pay of Rs. 1400 i.e (4200
– 2800) , benefit due to increment stood least Rs. 500, difference of DA etc.
Overall benefit due to such promotion in the pre-revised pay structure would
reach about Rs. 4000( Four thousand ) except increase of HRA, but now the
officials who will be promoted from MACP –I To MACP - II , their overall
benefit will be limited to increase of one stage of pay cell, which will vary
from 1600 to 1800 only. This is a great loss to the officials so promoted after
31/12/2015. Therefore such loss of pay should be protected either by means of
granting of promotional increment
equal to the amount which should be calculated multiplying the total difference
of grade pay due to such promotion and the amount the increment @3% admissible
on pre-revised pay, by 2.57 factor and then pay should be fixed at the cell
either equal or higher state available in the pay matrix of the particular
level arrived after promotion. Hence suggested that in every case of MACP
Promotion/ regular Promotion at least promotional benefit must be ensure by
granting promotional increment calculated in the method as stated above.
Want of clear clarification /instruction
inrespect of pay fixation on regular functional promotion.
If an official get regular promotion on functional
basis either within the same grade or to the higher grade pay as per
pre-revised pay structure , whether the official so promoted will be allowed any incremental
benefit due such promotion. For example an MACP III sorting assistant having
grade pay of Rs. 4600 in the pre-revised pay structure , if he get regular
promotion to the post of HSG – II / HSG
– I whether he will be allowed promotional benefit of getting higher stage than
the stage which he was getting before such promotion. Therefore suggested
promotional benefit by means of allowing higher stage of pay should be allowed
in respect of regular promotion to the post which carries equal or higher grade
pay than the grade pay to which the official belongs before such promotion .
Our circle union urges upon you to take
initiative at the appropriate level so that the staff grievances are redressed
. Issues in c/w Mail Motor Service may kindly be taken by yourself and we will
send supplementary suggestions regarding Mail Motor Service later if
Thanking You. Comradely
Circle Secretary, R- III, NFPE
Bengal Circle