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Thursday, 9 February 2017

Circle Unions writes to the All India Leadership to pursue the case of DRMs, implementation of Dte's order regarding.

Com. M. Krishnan,
Secretary General, CCGEW.

Sub: Remuneration payable to Full time Casual Labour/ Part time casual Labour/ workers engaged on contingency basis.
Ref: G.O.I., Ministry of Communication & IT, Department of Posts, O.M. No. 2-53/2011-PCC dated 17-06-2016 & G.O.I., Ministry of Communication & IT, Department of Posts, SPB-I Section, Memo No. 45-24/88-SPB-I Dt. 17-05-89.
 Dear Comrade,
                        Yours kind attention is invited to the above cited memo Nos. under reference on the basis of which the Hon’ble Chief PMG, West Bengal Circle, PMG (Mails & BD) & PMG (North Bengal & Sikkim Region) were requested vide this Service Union letter no. WB/R-IV/20 dated 18-07-2016 to take necessary action in respect of treating the Daily Rated Mazdoor (DRM) workers working in different RMS Divisions in this Circle as Casual Workers and remunerate them as per rate applicable for Casual Workers. According to the clarification on the term of Casual labour vide Dte’s Memo no. stated above, all Daily wagers working in Post Offices or in RMS Offices or in Administrative Offices or PSD/ MMS under different Designations (Mazdoor, Casual Labourer, Contingent paid Staff, Daily wager, Daily Rated Mazdoor, Outsider) are to treat as casual Labourers. The very order under the memo no. 45-24/88-SPB-I Dt. 17-05-89 issued from Dte. has been reiterated vide Dte’s No. 2-53/2011-PCC dated 17-06-2016. Hence logically there should be no existence of workers Designated as DRM/ Outsider. All workers engaged on daily rated basis and paid from contingencies should be termed as Casual labourer in accordance with the Dte’s order mentioned above.
            But, this is unfortunate for us that in several discussion our Hon’ble Chief PMG has expressed her inability to give effect of the order and till date no official reply has been received from the O/o CPMG in this respect. Consequent upon such indifferent attitude of the Circle Administration towards the most exploited workers of the Department, a sort of frustration is cropping up among the ill fated DRMs. In this connection it is to be mentioned here that, in our Circle particularly in RMS & MMS offices DRMs are working in regular manner against almost vacant posts of MTS, Gr.-‘C’ and in Business Offices also they perform the duties almost the same nature of MTS, Gr.-‘C’ and even that of Group- ‘C’. Without the service of DRMs the daily functioning of Mail Offices and Business Offices will be jeopardized.
            The matter was already informed to Com. R. N. Parashar, SG, NFPE, Com. Giriraj Singh, GS, R-III and Com. P. Suresh, GS, R-IV vide this Union letter No. WB/R-IV/8 Dated 27-10-2016. The NFPE Group of Circle Unions hold Demonstration Programme several times past and finally called for Indefinite Hunger Fast from 18th January, 2017 particularly in this issue. At the end of 1st day’s Hunger fast the Hon’ble Chief PMG called the leadership for discussion on the issue. She denied to fulfill the demand for treating the DRM workers as Casual Labourer in accordance wit Dte’s order mentioned above but assured to talk at the Directorate level in respect of increasing the rate of wages at per with the minimum wages of the Central Government Rate. But till date no progress or response from the Circle Head has been received.
            We, therefore, urge upon you to pursue the case vigorously at the Directorate level so that the order issued by the Dte. Dt. 17-06-2016 is given effect to the DRMs working in different RMS & MMS offices of the Circle.   
            With warm greetings,

Comradely yours,
Aparesh Lahiri, Circle Secretary, R-III, WB Circle.
Sanjoy Chakraborty, Circle Secretary, R-IV, WB Circle.

Copy forwarded for information and necessary action:
  1. Com. R.N. Parashar, Secretary General, NFPE.
  2. Com. Giriraj Singh, General Secretary, R-III, CHQ
  3. Com. P. Suresh, General Secretary, R-IV, CHQ

Ref. No. WB-20. Dated at Kolkata-13, the 09-02-2017.

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