Circle Union wrote regarding AMPC- Operation part thereof
West Bengal Circle ,
No. WB/AMPC Date: 27-07-2012.
Sri V. K.
– 700012.
Sub: Regarding AMPC-
Operation part thereof.
We welcome your response in c/w our
letter dated 21-07-12. At the time of discussion on 23-07-12 you have mentioned
about the operative part of AMPC, particularly about MMS machine in details and
also expressed that the joint visit already completed by the Dte. and waiting
for final instruction about trial operation part.
At the time of discussion we also
raised some issues particularly about manpower required which cannot be
explained properly or rather cannot satisfy us. Discussion was held at length
but we understand that, some reservation or compulsion is lying upon you.
Sir, we are not against AMPC and
that we have explained in several times at past, but if any new agenda or proposal
arises from Administration, it will be propose to give us in black and white
and in details, so that the organization can understand that there is no hide
and seek policy at all. We also believe that the transparency will be
maintained by the both staff side and official side which are now the situation
demands for our survival only.
Hope we have able to understand our
views considering your compulsion.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(S. Chakraborty) (S. Nandy)
Circle Secretary Offg. Circle Secretary