Organise, if you want to survive, Organise, if you want to ensure job security, Organise, if you want to ensure better wages, Organise, if you want your Pension to be protected, Organise, if you want your Trade Union Rights to remain.

Friday, 27 July 2012

Circle Union wrote regarding AMPC- Operation part thereof

No. WB/AMPC                                                                                      Date: 27-07-2012.

Sri V. K. Gupta,
Postmaster General(MM),
West Bengal Circle,
Yogayog Bhawan,
Kolkata – 700012.
                                         Sub: Regarding AMPC- Operation part thereof.
             We welcome your response in c/w our letter dated 21-07-12. At the time of discussion on 23-07-12 you have mentioned about the operative part of AMPC, particularly about MMS machine in details and also expressed that the joint visit already completed by the Dte. and waiting for final instruction about trial operation part.

            At the time of discussion we also raised some issues particularly about manpower required which cannot be explained properly or rather cannot satisfy us. Discussion was held at length but we understand that, some reservation or compulsion is lying upon you.

            Sir, we are not against AMPC and that we have explained in several times at past, but if any new agenda or proposal arises from Administration, it will be propose to give us in black and white and in details, so that the organization can understand that there is no hide and seek policy at all. We also believe that the transparency will be maintained by the both staff side and official side which are now the situation demands for our survival only.
             Hope we have able to understand our views considering your compulsion.
              Thanking you,
                                                                                                           Yours faithfully,

                         (S. Chakraborty)                                                          (S. Nandy)
                        Circle Secretary                                                 Offg. Circle Secretary
                                  R-IV                                                                             R-III
Circle Union wrote regarding irregular posting order - case of RMS 'WB' Division

Ref: WB/24                                                                                                      Dated   27-07-12

Sri V. K. Gupta,
O/o the Chief Postmaster General,
West Bengal Circle,
Yogayog Bhawan,
Kolkata – 700012.

          Sub: Irregular posting order of cashier issued by SSRM,RMS,”WB” Divn. Howrah.

           This has come to the notice from Divl. union that, the Divl. authority of RMS ‘WB’ Dn. issued an transfer posting order vide Memo No. B2-4/Acctt./Ch-IV dated 26-07-2012 of Cashier post at HRO, RMS ‘WB’ Dn. which is absolutely irregular and by-passing the existing Departmental rules.
           The official Sri Krishnendu Chakraborty, working as OA Divisional Office, RMS ‘WB’ Dn., has been posted as Cashier, HRO, RMS ‘WB’ division which is complete violation of Dte. Order no. 3-3/88-SPB dt. 19-04-2000 circulated by the Circle authority regarding tenure posting.
         This union urges upon you kindly pursue the matter personally so that, the divisional authority can withdraw that order of Cashier immediately to honour the departmental Rules.
           Thanking you,

                                                                                                          Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                               (S. Nandy)
                                                                                                     Offg. Circle Secretary

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Circle Union wrote regarding filling up the posts of Drivers at MMS.

No. WB/42                                                                       Date :       24/07/2012

Sri V. K. Gupta,
Postmaster General(MM),
West Bengal Circle,
Yogayog Bhawan,
Kolkata – 700012.

                        Sub: Filling up the Posts of Driver- case of MMS
            Very painful to inform you that in several times when we raised the issue it was informed that the matter is under process.
            But let us know the specific time frame by which it can be completed, otherwise due to the lapses on the part of administration we may loose the path as it was happened earlier.
            In this connection it can be reiterated that, if other circles are able to do so why we are lagging behind?
            So again we earnestly request to take personal initiative to complete the entire process without any delay.
            Thanking you,
                                                                                                            Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                              (S. Nandy)
                                                                                                       Offg.Circle Secretary

Monday, 23 July 2012

Officiating Circle Secretary for the period from 24.7.12 to 28.7.12

Ref. No. WB/52                                                                          Dated: 23.07.2012.
The Chief Postmaster General,
West Bengal Circle,
Yogayog Bhawan,
Kolkata – 700012.
                    Sub: Officiating Circle Secretary for the period from 24.7.12 to 28.7.12.
            It is to intimate you that, I will be away from Kolkata for 7 days with effect from 24.07.2012. In my absence Sri Santanu Nandy, Assistant Circle Secretary and O.A, RMS ‘H’ Division will act as Officiating Circle Secretary.
            This is for your kind information.

                                                                                                                        Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                                        (S. K. BARDHAN )
                                                                                                                         Circle Secretary.

Copy to: The PMG(MM), W.B.Circle, Kolkata-12 for information.
Circle Union wrote regarding AMPC
Ref. No.  WB/AMPC                                                                         Dated : 23.07.2012

Mr. M. Sampat,
Chief Postmaster General,
West Bengal Circle,
Yogayog Bhawan,
Kolkata – 700012.

                                                            Sub: Regarding AMPC.
 Respected Sir,
             It was brought to our notice by the Circle administration that the AMPC is going to start very shortly. In particular the PMG(MM) in his approach it was reflected that the machine is ready to start since March, 2012.
             But truly speaking the Development regarding machine the service union in dark and we don’t understand at what phase the machine is in now?
             On the other hand due to an unilateral approach by the PMG(MM) the mails are diverted from one office to other office and the public mails are suffered badly – which causes the loss of image of our Department in this circle.
             So we want to know details in writing about the development of the machine at this stage.

            With regards.
                                                                      Yours faithfully,

      Circle Secretary                                                                                (S. K. BARDHAN)
        M.G & MTS                                                                                      Circle Secretary                                                                                                                                                                          

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Circle Union wrote regarding disposal of Admit Card of School Service Commission, west Bengal.

All India R.M.S. & M.M.S. Employees Union, Group ‘C’
(Affiliated to N.F.P.E)
West Bengal Circle
37,Ganesh Chandra Avenue, Kolkata – 700013.
Phone No: 22371484
Ref. No. WB/59                                                                                               Dated: 21.07.2012

Sri V.K. Gupta,
Postmaster General,
West Bengal Circle,
Yogayog Bhawan,
Kolkata – 700012.

         Sub: Disposal of Admit Card of SSC(School Service Commission) West Bengal.
            It came to know from various daily news paper that the School Service Commission  examination will be held on 29th July, 2012(Sunday).

            As report received by this union that the Admit Card of the above said Examination booked by the commission office at Sealdah RMS.

            In this context we request you the followings:

i)                    Provide all kinds of Infrastructure including proper manpower in every office when it will be transmitted.
ii)                  Necessary arrangements are required to deliver the articles in time.

            We have some bitter experiences at this moment in particular, due to unscientific and unilateral procedure adopted by the Department specifically from your office, the unemployed persons suffered badly.

            So this time as we have got the information, so we want to brought your notice and propose to  constitute a cell by knowledgeable persons who can monitor this work 24 hours.

            A line reply as action taken on this score is highly solicited. 
                                                                                                            Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                            (S.K. BARDHAN )
                                                                                                            Circle Secretary  

Circle Union wrote regarding transfer of mails from Kolkata RMS to Kolkata AP Stg.(AMPC, Kolkata).

All India R.M.S. & M.M.S. Employees Union, Group ‘C’
(Affiliated to N.F.P.E)
West Bengal Circle
37,Ganesh Chandra Avenue, Kolkata – 700013.
Phone No: 22371484

Ref. No. WB/59                                                                               Dated: 21.07.2012

Sri V.K. Gupta,
Postmaster General(MM),
West Bengal Circle,
Yogayog Bhawan,
Kolkata – 700012.

               Sub: Transfer of mails from Kol. RMS to Kol.A.P.Stg.(AMPC, Kol.)

            It came to know that the Speed mails are likely to be transferred very shortly from Kol. RMS Divn. to Kol. A.P. Stg. Divn. (AMPC), but the matter not yet been discussed with the Organization from Circle level to Divisional level which is most unwanted.

            So, before taking final decision you are requested to advise the SSRM, Kol. RMS to discuss the issue with Divl.Union - which is most urgent.

                                                                                                            Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                            (S. K. BARDHAN)
                                                                                                               Circle Secretary

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Circle Union wrote regarding non-pasting of Bar Code in the Registered Letter by some Post Offices under 'SB' Region 

No. WB/59                                                                                          Dated: 18.07.2012

To                                                                                            To
Mr. M. Sampat                                                                        Mr. V.K. Gupta
Postmaster General(SB) Region                                               Postmaster General(MM)
Yogayog Bhawan                                                                     Yogayog Bhawan
Kolkata – 700012.                                                                    Kolkata – 700012.

                                Sub: Non- pasting of Bar Code in the Registered
                                         Letter by some Post Offices under ‘SB’ Region.
            We are all aware that the R-net introduced by the Dept. in particular West Bengal Circle without providing any infrastructure. The matter was brought to the notice of PMG(MM) in several times past, but all the time it was assured that the positive action already been taken by the administration.

            It is needless to mention that there are so many Post Offices who are not pasting the Bar Code in the Regd. Articles which causes the harassment the staff of RMS who are working in the Registration Branch.

            Now here we are submitting the following names of the Office who are not pasting the Bar Code at a glance.

1)                  Kadamtala P.O., Howrah District under ‘SB’ Region
2)                  Charanpur P.O., Midnapore District under ‘SB’ Region
3)                  Kukrahati                          -do-
4)                  Ghatal                               -do-
5)                  Nandigram                        -do-
6)                  Nandakumar                     -do-
7)                  Srirampore                        -do-
8)                  Haldia                               -do-
9)                  Bhogpur                            -do-
10)              Balsita                               -do-
11)              Gopalnagar                        -do-
            So we urges upon you to take a positive initiative, so that the procedure adopted by the Dept. can be materialize properly.
             Thanking you.

                                                                                                            Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                         (S. K. BARDHAN)
                                                                                                            Circle Secretary

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Union wrote regarding transfer posting in the name of attachment from one office to another mail office.

Ref. No. WB/24                                                                       Dated: 12.07.2012

Ms. Humera Ahmed,
Chief Postmaster General,
West Bengal Circle,
Yogayog Bhawan,
Kolkata – 700012.

  Sub: Transfer posting in the name of attachment from one office to another mail offices.

Respected Madam,

            This is in continuation of this union letter even dated 02.07.2012, reiterated that one instruction issued from Dte. vide DG Posts No. 28.08/2011-D dated 14.05.2012 with reference to Directorate Memo No. 08-15/2011-SR Dated 16.01.2012 as par discussion with Secy.(P), Members, Postal Services Board with Postal JCA and issued, that the officials working in the mail office may not be transferred out to another city/town unless they have given willingness to this effect.
            But from the Bankura, Purulia to Kharagpur RMS and from Durgapur, Asansol to Burdwan RMS the officials were directed to joined to pull up the extra or huge mails. We think this is the violation of the Dte. guideline first, secondly we also demand the officials who are now at away from the original units should brought back immediately and the TA and DA will be allotted to them without least delay.
            Hope the authority will follow the instruction of the Dte.(the copy is enclosed here with for ready reference).
            A line of reply as action taken is highly solicited.
            Thanking you.

                                                                                                                        Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                                       (S. K. BARDHAN )
                                                                                                                           Circle Secretary

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Unions wrote against Outsourcing at AMPC, Kolkata AP Stg. Dn. 



No. AMPC/Joint Movement/2012                                           Dated :12.07.2012

Ms. Humera Ahmed,
Chief Postmaster General,
West Bengal Circle,
Yogayog Bhawan,
Kolkata – 700012.


            This has the reference to the discussion held with you in presence of DPS(HQ) in the conference room of Yogayog Bhawan on 9th July, 2012 at 3 P.M. regarding out sourcing of manpower for segregation of letters for AMPC for facilitating AMPC work.

            Unfortunately, the whole endeavor was taken by the Circle Postal Administration unilaterally without the consent/consultation of the staff side.
            During the course of discussion in the meeting it has been mentioned by you that it is simply an exercise for work assessment for detecting the time requirement for segregation of letters and thus to assess the required manpower. You repeatedly assured that it is not any kind of outsourcing and we can trust upon you.

            After, prolonged discussion it was agreed that the work assessment review would be made after expiry of one month and a meeting would be conducted with the staff side after one month.

            It was further assured by you that if work assessment review is unsatisfactory for both sides, that exercise of review of the work done by the concerned organization would be terminated immediately. In this connection it may be noted that we are totally against such type of outsourcing of Deptl. Jobs specially when in our opinion can be done by departmentally without any extra expenditure.
             It was further discussed that staff side can furnish any alternative proposal for performing the said work though we have already submitted our proposal on Feb, 2012.
             Accordingly one month would be expired on 10th August, 2012. But, 10th August being Holiday in the Circle Administrative Office, the meeting may please be arranged on 8th or 9th August, 2012.

            This is for your kind information and necessary action.

                                                      Yours faithfully,

Circle Secretary             Circle Secretary           Circle Secretary        Circle Secretary
R-III(NFPE)                   R-III(FNPO)                     P-III(NFPE)              P-III(FNPO)

(N.C.DEY)                 (S. MUKHERJEE)                (T. DUTTA)        (S. CHAKRABORTY)
Circle Secretary           Circle Secretary           Circle Secretary          Circle Secretary
P-IV(NFPE)                     P-IV(FNPO)                      R-IV(FNPO)              R-IV(NFPE)

                                                       (P. BHATTACJARJEE)
                                                        Circle Secretary

Copy to: Sri S. Ranjan, DPS(HQ), O/o the Ch.PMG, W.B.Circle,Kol-12 for information.

                                                Yours faithfully,

Circle Secretary           Circle Secretary            Circle Secretary        Circle Secretary
R-III(NFPE)                   R-III(FNPO)                     P-III(NFPE)              P-III(FNPO)

(N.C.DEY)                 (S. MUKHERJEE)                (T. DUTTA)        (S. CHAKRABORTY)
Circle Secretary           Circle Secretary           Circle Secretary          Circle Secretary
P-IV(NFPE)                     P-IV(FNPO)                      R-IV(FNPO)              R-IV(NFPE)

                                                       (P. BHATTACJARJEE)
                                                        Circle Secretary