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Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Union wrote regarding transfer posting in the name of attachment from one office to another mail office.

Ref. No. WB/24                                                                       Dated: 12.07.2012

Ms. Humera Ahmed,
Chief Postmaster General,
West Bengal Circle,
Yogayog Bhawan,
Kolkata – 700012.

  Sub: Transfer posting in the name of attachment from one office to another mail offices.

Respected Madam,

            This is in continuation of this union letter even dated 02.07.2012, reiterated that one instruction issued from Dte. vide DG Posts No. 28.08/2011-D dated 14.05.2012 with reference to Directorate Memo No. 08-15/2011-SR Dated 16.01.2012 as par discussion with Secy.(P), Members, Postal Services Board with Postal JCA and issued, that the officials working in the mail office may not be transferred out to another city/town unless they have given willingness to this effect.
            But from the Bankura, Purulia to Kharagpur RMS and from Durgapur, Asansol to Burdwan RMS the officials were directed to joined to pull up the extra or huge mails. We think this is the violation of the Dte. guideline first, secondly we also demand the officials who are now at away from the original units should brought back immediately and the TA and DA will be allotted to them without least delay.
            Hope the authority will follow the instruction of the Dte.(the copy is enclosed here with for ready reference).
            A line of reply as action taken is highly solicited.
            Thanking you.

                                                                                                                        Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                                       (S. K. BARDHAN )
                                                                                                                           Circle Secretary

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