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Saturday, 21 July 2012

Circle Union wrote regarding disposal of Admit Card of School Service Commission, west Bengal.

All India R.M.S. & M.M.S. Employees Union, Group ‘C’
(Affiliated to N.F.P.E)
West Bengal Circle
37,Ganesh Chandra Avenue, Kolkata – 700013.
Phone No: 22371484
Ref. No. WB/59                                                                                               Dated: 21.07.2012

Sri V.K. Gupta,
Postmaster General,
West Bengal Circle,
Yogayog Bhawan,
Kolkata – 700012.

         Sub: Disposal of Admit Card of SSC(School Service Commission) West Bengal.
            It came to know from various daily news paper that the School Service Commission  examination will be held on 29th July, 2012(Sunday).

            As report received by this union that the Admit Card of the above said Examination booked by the commission office at Sealdah RMS.

            In this context we request you the followings:

i)                    Provide all kinds of Infrastructure including proper manpower in every office when it will be transmitted.
ii)                  Necessary arrangements are required to deliver the articles in time.

            We have some bitter experiences at this moment in particular, due to unscientific and unilateral procedure adopted by the Department specifically from your office, the unemployed persons suffered badly.

            So this time as we have got the information, so we want to brought your notice and propose to  constitute a cell by knowledgeable persons who can monitor this work 24 hours.

            A line reply as action taken on this score is highly solicited. 
                                                                                                            Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                            (S.K. BARDHAN )
                                                                                                            Circle Secretary  

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