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Monday, 23 September 2013

Circle Union wrote regarding Implementation of Redesigned Network for First Class & Second Class Mail

Ref: WB/59                                                                                                 Dated 23.09.2013

Sri J. Panda,
Chief Postmaster General,
West Bengal Circle,
Kolkata – 700012.

          Sub: Implementation of Redesigned Network for First Class & Second Class Mail.
            After a long persuasion at the Directorate in connection with prompt disposal of mails and to avoid the back routing of mails a specific order was issued from Directorate on the 7th August, 2013.
            Implementation of L1 and L2 concept which caused the detention and back routing of mails after a long discussion at the directorate the result comes out.
            But we are very sorry to say that now we have already 1 ½ months lapsed the order which was issued vide no. 30-7/2012-D not yet been circulated or rather issued from the circle authority.
            Due to non-implementation of the order the back routing of mails causes the detention are going on as report received from various divisions.
            So, though we have already lapses some times, we strongly urge for issuing the order in this circle along with the revised due mail & sorting list as directed from the directorate in the above said memo (Copy enclosed for ready reference).
            Without further delay we request your kind intervention at this purpose.
            Thanking you.

                                                                                                                       Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                                     (S. K. BARDHAN)
                                                                                                                      Circle Secretary

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