Organise, if you want to survive, Organise, if you want to ensure job security, Organise, if you want to ensure better wages, Organise, if you want your Pension to be protected, Organise, if you want your Trade Union Rights to remain.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Role of FNPO :
When we are struggling for Existence, the FNPO playing a nasty role.-
CHQ Protested Strongly:
No. RIII/25/3/2013                                            Dated:  3-09-2013 
The Secretary ,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, 
New Delhi-110 116.

Subject:-  Manning of Transit Sections/Transit Mail Offices.

Respected Madam,

                           It has come to the notice of this union that General Secretary Mail guard & Class IV has taken up a proposal for restoration of HMG/MG posts in H-13 sections, SG-Section, WB-33 Section and WB-06 section by withdrawing SA cadre vide his letter No. NUR-IV/CHQ/W.B. Circle/Sections /2013 dated 16.3.2013.

                           This item has already been elaborately discussed in the periodical meeting with Secretary , Department of Posts held on 31-12-2001. Minutes of the meeti8ng were circulated vide DG Posts No. 2-3/2000 which are reproduced below:-

“ General Secretary R-IV stated that no open avenues of promotion for Group `D` employees, only Head Mail Guards/Mail Guards should be posted in transit section and TMO as per Molinder Singh formula. The Chairman pointed out that the transit section were being run as per the general norms. Further, the matter has already been discussed by the Departmental Council (JCM) and in the circumstances it would not be possible to consider the matter in this forum”.

                           This issue cannot be discussed outside the JCM forum.

                           We urge upon you to kindly refrain from any such action which may hamper the status quo in this matter.

                            With regards. 
                                                                               Yours sincerely, 

                                                                               (Giri  Raj Singh)
                                                                           General Secretary


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