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Friday, 25 October 2013

On 23.10.2013, Member (Operations), Postal Services Board, Shri. Kamaleshwar Prasad, held discussion with Staff side on MNOP and L1, L2 related issues. Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General NFPE, Com. Giriraj Singh, General Secretary, R3 (NFPE), Com. P. Suresh, General Secretary R-4 (NFPE), Com. Devender Kumar, Circle Secretary, NUR-3 (FNPO) Delhi Circle attended the meeting Com. D. Theagarajan, Secretary General, FNPO & General Secretary NUR-3 (FNPO) could not attend the meeting due to sudden illness. A joint note of NFPE & FNPO was presented to the Member (O). The following are the outcome of the meeting. Minutes will be published later.
(1)      Modifications in the norms fixed for CRCs.
Official side informed that the norms are fixed as per the scientific work study conducted by Directorate in the field units. Further Directorate has issued an order on 13.08.2013 in which it is clarified that – Establishment norms for “Sorting of Articles” has been fixed as 0.079 minute per article (i.e. 760 articles per hour). However time factor for productivity pertaining to sorting of articles would continue to be 0.063 per article (i.e; 950 articles per hour).”
Staff side demanded reduction in number of article for productivity also. Staff side want change in norms for scanning and other items mentioned in their letters submitted earlier. Finally it is decided to give copy of the work study conducted by Directorate to the staff side. Staff side shall submit concrete proposal with scientific basis with supporting facts and figures justifying their arguments. Based on the staff side proposal Directorate will re-examine the case.
(2)   Administrative jurisdiction of Speed Post Hubs (SH)
Official side reiterated that powers for deciding the administrative jurisdiction was already given to Chief PMGs. It is upto the Circle Unions to discuss the case at Circle level and settle the deserving cases. Staff side pointed out that in many Circles Chief PMGs are not ready to accept the views expressed by the Circle Unions. Finally it is decided that (1) As a first step Circle Unions should discuss the cases with Chief PMGs in formal meetings and get a reply in writing from the Circle Administration showing the reason for not accepting the demand of the Circle union and then staff side may submit a note to Directorate justifying their stand in each case with reference to the Stand taken by Chief PMGs. After that Directorate shall review each case. Discussion with CPMGs in the formal meetings and getting a reply with reasons, is a must.
(3)   L1 Status to more L2 offices
The proposal submitted by staff side will be examined. Staff Side may discuss the cases at circle level also so that Chief PMGs may submit proposal to Directorate in deserving cases. The details of the case by case examination already conducted by Directorate will be made available to the staff side.
(4)   Discontinuance of closing “NIL” bags
The proposal of the Staff side will be considered in a positive manner and detailed examination of the case will be done.
(5)   All other issues raised in the staff side note will be examined in detail by the Directorate and action will be taken.
(6)   The orders issued by the Karnataka Circle Administration implementing unilateral increase in norms in FMC from 7000 to 9000 in BG City RMS/1 and from 11000 to 13000 in BG City RMS/II in violation of Directorate orders was discussed. Member (O) agreed to issue instructions to CPMG not to violate Directorate orders.

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