Organise, if you want to survive, Organise, if you want to ensure job security, Organise, if you want to ensure better wages, Organise, if you want your Pension to be protected, Organise, if you want your Trade Union Rights to remain.

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Submission of Memorundum

(Affiliated to N.F.P.E)
(Affiliated to F.N.P.O)
West Bengal Circle, Kolkata- 700012.
Ref. No.-Jt./WB/52                                                                                         Date: 25-10-2013        

Sri J. Panda,
Chief Post Master General,
West Bengal Circle,
Kolkata- 700012.
Sub: Submission of Memorandum.
Respected Sir,
                         We are very sorry to express our views with deep concern that since last few months the Administration particularly the PMG(MM) is playing a role which is not match with the culture of the State like West Bengal.

            He has a tendency for taking unilateral decision bypassing the Service Unions as well as failed to keep confidence to the family members of RMS & MMS as a whole.

            In some occasions the Dte.’s decisions are not taken into account. Safety and Security of the Staff are not taken into consideration which causes a great resentment among all cross section of Staff including DRMs/ SDS Drivers.

            Under these circumstances we are compelled to submit the memorandum for immediate settlement. In this connection it is also urges to advise the PMG(MM) for arranging an open mind discussion within the next week and request you till this time status-quo will maintain.

            Any kind of deviation or forcible imposition may hurt to the Employees of RMS & MMS. To avoid the surcharge of the situation the cordial relation which prevailing now at this moment should maintain.

            Thanking you,

                                                            Yours faithfully,

                                   (P. G. Dutta Banik)                       (S. K. Bardhan)
                                 Hony. Circle Secretary,             Hony. Circle Secretary,
                                NURMS&MMSE, Gr.- ‘C’           AIRMS&MMSEU, Gr.- ‘C’

                                         (T. Dutta)                          (S. Chakraborty)
                                Hony. Circle Secretary,            Hony. Circle Secretary,
                                NURMS&MMSE, MG & MTS    AIRMS&MMSEU, MG & MTS


  1. Stop the irregular procedure in c/w functioning of TVP & TMP.
Note: Some TVP & TMP introduced by the Department to develop the delivery benefit to the public without obtaining any permission from the respective Railway Authority. The TVP/ TMP introduced by the Department urge either to stop or to obtain permission from the Railway Authority within seven days and maintain the norms of functioning TVP & TMP.

  1. Functioning of some transit Sections.
 Note: The report received by the organization that, some transit sections which were converted after abolition of the Sorting Sections will ply as usual as per decision of the Departmental Council. Without discussion any kind of change is not acceptable.

  1. Stop fragment introduction/ Modification of Schedule.
 Note: The staffs, who are related with the Schedules, are facing much trouble for fragment change/ modification of schedule. The proposals and discussions are not taken into account.

  1. Rate of SDS Drivers.
 Note: It is a long pending issue. The SDS Drivers are utilized in full fledged for functioning the MMS Schedules but the enhancement of Rate are not considered.

  1. Payment of DRM.
 Note: Acute shortage of Staff are the main factor for which the DRMs were engaged to pull up the all kinds of traditional works but in c/w their payment a delay tactics and reluctant attitude are followed- causes a great resentment among all cross section of employees.

  1. Reorganization in the name of MNOP.
 Note: For functioning of CRC in various divisions some unilateral decisions are taken without taking into account about the staff position of the Division. Demand for proper discussion before taking final decision.

  1. Deployment of Staff from one Division to other.
 Note: Most of all the divisions are running with acute shortage of manpower. So the redeployment of the staff from one division to other division not at all wise. 

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