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Thursday, 18 September 2014

Circle union wrote for re-opening Business Office at Durgapur RMS

Ref. No. WB/15                                                             Dated: 17.09.2014.

Sri Subrat Das
Postmaster General(M&BD)
Yogayog Bhawan
Kolkata – 700012.

                         Sub: Proposal for re-opening Business Office at Durgapur RMS.
             We would like to intimate you the following facts for your kind information and hope for your positive approach on the subject mentioned above.

1)    A thread bare discussion took place in between staff side and official side under the chairmanship of Sri S.B.Bhattacjarjee, the then Ch.PMG for the revival of RMS offices in West Bengal, Business Office will be opened.
2)    In the meeting it was also discussed that no additional staff will be provided for the Business Office, by the existing staff it will be managed.
3)    As it was agreed by the official side and staff side accordingly the Business Offices were opened in various places.
4)    By this process the Business Office at Durgapur RMS was opened.

But we are sorry to say that a tendency in the recent days has been developed on the part of administration that decisions are taken keeping the service union in dark. Closing of Business Office of Durgapur RMS is the glare example of such tendency.

Sir, there are so many changes adopted by the Deptt. right from Dte. to the Circle level. Even at Dte. level it was duly discussed by the authority, that any merger/closure is to be discussed with the service union but we sorry to note that the Circle Administration is ignoring the guideline prescribed by the Dte.

Under this circumstances, we strongly demand for reopening the Business Office at Durgapur RMS and for the revival of Durgapur RMS we are enclosing herewith a concrete proposal along with the datas of the  B.O. Durgapur for your ready reference.

Hope a positive move will be taken by the authority to maintain our cordial relation as well as for the greater interest of the Department.

Enclo: 2(two)
                                                                                                   Yours faithfully,
                                                                                                 (APARESH LAHIRI)
                                                                                                                Circle Secretary 

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