Organise, if you want to survive, Organise, if you want to ensure job security, Organise, if you want to ensure better wages, Organise, if you want your Pension to be protected, Organise, if you want your Trade Union Rights to remain.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

In Pursuance of decision taken in the 11th Joint Biennial Circle Conference at Purulia Protest Day will be observed on 11th February 2016 and memorandum with the following demands will be submitted to the CPMG, PMG (MM & BD) , DPS (HQ) , through respective Divisional heads as follows.

ALL INDIA RMS & MMS EMPLOYEES’ UNION GR. ‘C’, M/G & MTS Gr. - ‘C’ West Bengal Circle

1) To
     The Chief Postmaster General
     West Bengal Circle,
     Yagayog Bhawan,
     Kolkata – 700012

2) To
       The Postmaster General (Mails & BD)
       West Bengal Circle,
       Yagayog Bhawan,
       Kolkata – 700012

3) To
     The Director of Postal Services (HQ)
    West Bengal Circle,
     Yagayog Bhawan,
      Kolkata – 700012
                                    Through: SSRM/ SRM


This service union affiliated to N.F.P.E. notes with deep concern that the Divisional Authority as well as the Circle Administration is quite reluctant in respect of solving the long pending issues raised time to time by the staff side in the interest of smooth functioning of the offices. Consequent upon such indifferent attitude on the part of the Administration, the resentment of the staff is growing up.
We therefore on the behalf of the service union once again urge upon you to intervene into the matter in order to solve the following long pending issues through a thread-bare discussion across the table with the staff side with a view to maintaining the cordial relationship between the Staff Side and the Administration as well as to avoid any sort of unrest in the Department.

1. Stop harassment to the staff as well as to the public in the name of introduction of “CBS’ in the Postal Department.
2. Immediate restoration of the periodical meetings with the staff side at all levels.
3. Stop unwanted intervention on the Trade Union rights.
4. Fix definite norms and MDW in respect of works at Speed Hub, CRC, Parcel Hub and Kol Air Fgn.
5.  Stop implementation of unilateral administrative decision in respect of shifting of offices / establishments, reorganization, review etc.
6. Provide minimum required infrastructure in RMS Mail offices for smooth functioning of the offices.
7. Take immediate steps in respect of holding of DPC at regular measure of promotional purposes.
8. Take immediate measure for allotment of sufficient funds in respect of payment of OTA, Medical claims and wages of DRMs.
9. Immediate action to be followed for filling up the post of GDS in different Offices.
            a) Fill up all the vacant posts of different cadres including MTS in MMS.
            b) Replace all the condemned vehicles in MMS.
10.  Prompt Administrative measures to be taken for appointment of heirs of the deceased officials on compassionate ground.
11. Stop inhuman pressure on the staff in the name of “Floor clearance policy”.
    a. Stop forcible O.T. duty and stop harassment to the staff in respect of granting leave/ CCL.
12. Modify Mail Motor Schedule consulting with the representative of the Staff side.
13. Stop victimization for Trade Union activities.
                                                                                                            President of the Meeting.

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