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Saturday, 23 March 2013

Circle Union wrote regarding Revised Mail Arrangement in the name of rationalization

No. WB/59                                                                                                        Dated 22.03.2013
Sri J. Panda,
Chief Postmaster General
West Bengal Circle
Yogayog Bhawan
Kolkata – 700012.
Sub: Revised Mail Arrangement in the name of rationalization.
            Regarding Mail Arrangement we are always in favour of quick disposal of articles in each corner, but so far our experiences concern there are so many revision of mail arrangement prepared by the authority itself unilaterally, invited the detention of articles for delivery and etc.
            Though a specific direction issued from the Directorate vide no. 28-10/2006-D dt. 20-03-2006 (Copy enclosed) that the matter will be discussed with the Service Union- which was denied for last few times past.
            Again, it came to know from various sources some sections are going to reschedule, some MMC services are going to be introduced for carrying mails- may invite another detention and extra expenditure be increased for the Department.
            Right from the Directorate, the spirit is to develop the service as well as to make the Department profitable in respect of viability, but here the authority is moving in the opposite direction.
            So, we earnestly request you to advice for an open mind discussion for finalization of the above raised arrangement along with the calculation of costing as intimated to you.
            A line of reply as action taken is highly solicited.
            Thanking you.
                                                                                                       Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                      (S. K. BARDHAN)
                                                                                                       Circle Secretary

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