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Friday, 1 March 2013

Circle Union wrote regarding Misbehavior by Police personal (Traffic) with the MMS Driver at Siliguri

Ref. No.- WB/42                                                                                   Date: 25.02.2013

The Postmaster General (By Name),
NB & Sikkim Region,
                         Sub: Misbehavior by Police personal (Traffic) with the MMS Driver at Siliguri.
            Kindly recall our discussion had with you over Telephone on 19.02.2013, I like to narrate the facts in details below,

1.       One of Driver named by Sri Hitendra Nath Roy while performing duty with Schedule No. 12 (Cash Van No. 04E-0441) on 19.02.2013 conveying a good number of Cash (Government Money), when attended Siliguri Road Post Office, an ASI(Traffic) Police named by Sri P. Chakraborty (as information received from the Driver) who was on duty came to the Driver and used slang language with caught hold of collar of the Driver’s Shirt and behaved like an unsocial attitude. Even he seized his Driving License and advised an amount of fine Rs. 100/-.
2.       Being a Government responsible official it is sorry to say that physical assault is a criminal offence particularly where it is happening on duty.
3.       Even that last Saturday the Police authority intimated at the Depot. of MMS that Mr. Roy had to take anticipated bell from the Honorable Court of Law otherwise he will be arrested.

In this connection I earnestly request you to took up the case with appropriate authority and protect the Security of the Staff of MMS Siliguri for to avoid any resentment amongst the Staff. 
Again, it can also reiterated that, in front of Siliguri H.P.O., Pradhannagar P.O., Hill Cart Road P.O., Town P.O.(Bidhan Market), Siliguri Bazar P.O. etc. the problems are facing for parking of vehicles- which needed to be settled at an earliest with the appropriate Authority.
 A line of reply in this regard for protection of Staff and action taken will be highly appreciated.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                                        (S. K. BARDHAN )
                                                                                                                        Circle Secretary
Copy to: Sri S. Ranjan, Director of Postal Services (H.Q.), WB Circle, Kolkata-12.- you are requested to take appropriate action without delay.

                                                                                                                        Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                                        (S. K. BARDHAN )
                                                                                                                        Circle Secretary

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