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Monday, 17 March 2014

Circle Union wrote regarding Contingent Plan of SP SH/ ICSH/ CRC

Ref. No. WB/59                                                                                           Dated: 14.03.2014

Sri V. K. Gupta,
Postmaster General (MM),
O/o Chief PMG,
West Bengal Circle,
Kolkata – 700012.

Sub: Contingent Plan of SP SH/ ICSH/ CRC.
                  Information received from RMS ‘WB’ Dn. that a contingent plan of SP SH/ ICSH/ CRC has been instructed to be observed vide SSRM, RMS ‘WB’ Dn. memo no. D3/Mail Monitoring/ Ch-III dated at Howrah, the 07-03-2014. In this connection we would like to convey our views on the subject as follows.
                  Our mighty department is functioning with some specific Norms/ regulations etc. The whimsical move on the part of Administration is nothing but a kind of problem creating in the offices. Hope we all should be careful to avoid such line of practices in order to maintain our cordial relation only for the sake of betterment of our Services. We, therefore, urge upon you to advice the Divisional Head to take necessary steps for the followings for smooth functioning of the office particularly of the aforesaid branches.
First Part:
1.     The Division is running with acute shortage of manpower. We will be highly thankful if the Administration can achieve the target for filling up the vacant post and to compose all the sets with full strength of Staff and with good working atmosphere.
2.     In connection with Sl. No. 2 of the circular issued as above, we would like to say that, if there is any specific rule regarding extension of working hours of the Set that should be strictly followed in all respect.
3.     Regarding performing of OTA we can only say that the spirit of the order is nothing but to indulge the staff to involve in a bad practice.
Second Part:
1.     In respect of Item no. 1 regarding non-attendance of Mail Guard or Mail Agent and performance of duty by MTS Group- ‘C’ officials in place of absentee, we are in the opinion that the HMA/HSA will work as per MDW.
2.     Regarding Mail Movement we would like to convey our views that the schedules for transshipment of mails are specified by the authority. HSA or HMA should not be held responsible for it if the competent authority can make the arrangement the HSA or HMA will do the needful as per MDW.
3.     The order regarding fixation of responsibility should be inconformity with the Departmental rules and regulation. Hence the instruction issued in the circular is not at all acceptable.
Hope your good office will take necessary approach towards the solution of problems created so far consequent upon issuance of the above instruction and a line of reply regarding the action taken will highly be appreciable. 

Yours faithfully,
(INDRANIL TEWARY)                                                   (APARESH LAHIRI)
Circle Secretary                                                          Circle Secretary
R – IV                                                                       R - III

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