Ref. No. WB/ 52 Dated: 07.03.2014
Sri J. Panda,
Chief Postmaster General,
West Bengal Circle,
Yogayog Bhawan,
Kolkata – 700012.
Sub: Discussion with you.
We are
very much pleased to intimate you that on 03.03.2014 in a cordial atmosphere a
detailed discussion took place in your Chamber along with DPS(HQ) about the
following points:
shifting and relocation of Speed Post Sorting Hub of Burdwan RMS under “WB”
Note: This is an issue cropped up at the time of
introduction of SH in West Bengal Circle. After a long discussion, it was finalized
and accordingly at the Divisional level a detailed minutes were prepared and
submitted to the PMG(MM) on 28.07.2011 vide NO. F2/9/SPC-BDN/Ch-I.
The issue was discussed in several times
and after your kind intervention it was decided that the A/C Machine at SH of
Burdwan will be installed and accordingly action being taken and also intimated
to the service union vide No. PSR/AIRMS & MMS-C&D/Misc/Corr dtd.
20.01.2014. But from the Division vide F2/9/SPC-BDN/CH-I dtd. 28.02.14 an
amount of Rs. 5000/- was sanctioned for shifting of Burdwan Hub from 1st
floor to Ground floor(copy submitted). So we request your intervention and stop
this irregular shifting.
manning of H-13 section.
Note: The calculation as per Establishment norms of
PTC, Mysore were not followed. The calculation sheet already submitted at the
time of discussion to draw your kind attention.
Regarding a
move for dismantle the sections WB-32/WB-30/H-29/H-27.
Note: At the time of discussion we have explained
that without any details discussion with the staff side, an unilateral move was
taken which is the violation of the Dte. Guideline. When it was requested for
submitting a definite proposal in this
respect, the Hon’ble PMG(MM) denied to submit it. So, we are in the firm opinion
that the status-quo should be maintained and procedure for abolition of these transit
section is to be stopped immediately.
TVP and TMP.
Note: A good number of TVP and TMP are now
functioning by abolishing some sections in the name of quick disposal of mails.
At the time of discussion in several occasions, it was brought to your notice
and was assured that up to a certain weight it should maintained. The sprit of introduction was only to
expedite the speed and regd. Articles only. So under this circumstances, we
urge for issuing a specific order for functioning the TVP- what we discussed
and assured accordingly.
Review of workload
in various HRO/AHRO/SMO etc. in various Divisions.
A specific guideline has given by the Dept. for review the workload in various
AHRO/HRO/SMO – which are not being followed properly by the Divl. authority. Personal
directions and interventions have created the problems for violating the guideline
of Punjab formula, Molinder Singh and Madan Kirhosre formula.We therefore,
request you for fresh review at HRO/AHRO/SMO etc. taking into account all the
new factors such as works relating to payment of salary through Bank/P.O.,
deduction of Income Tax( as the more officials are involved with), Children
education allowances, PLI policy holder(new members are increasing), checking
of vouchers, works relating to New Pension Scheme, Web complaints, KPI
Monitoring, posting of co-operative deduction etc. So it is requested to take
into consideration all the factors related to duties rendered by the officials
in course of making fresh review in the interest of smooth functioning of all
offices in West Bengal Circle.
Shifting of
Bag Office at Mail Office.
Note: A move which has taken in a new set regarding
shifting of Bag Office is not at all acceptable In no other Circle the Bag
Office is functioning in Mail Office. It
bears a separate identity. But violating all these norms, unnecessary pressure
is being created in “WB” Division. Hence we
request your kind intervention to stop the procedure in respect of
shifting of Bag Office.
Functioning of
RP Sorting in Kolkata RMS.
Note: The matter was elaborately discussed with you.
We drew your attention in respect difference of tariff. You assured that the
matter will be looked into and advised DPS(HQ) to take up the case at the Dte.
Urges for status-quo till finalization comes out from the Dte.
Yours faithfully,
Circle Secretary
R – IV R - III
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