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Sunday, 16 March 2014

Circle Unions wrote regarding Discontinuation of disposal of Bags through H-29 Section plying Sealdah R.S. to Budge Budge R.S.

Ref. No. WB/15                                                      Dated: 14.03.2014

Sri J. Panda,
Chief Postmaster General,
West Bengal Circle,
Yogayog Bhawan,
Kolkata – 700012.

Sub: Discontinuation of disposal of Bags through H-29 Section plying Sealdah R.S. to Budge Budge R.S.
Ref: C.O. No. MLS/Firstclass/Mail/Network/2012/RMS ‘H’ Dn Dt.11-03-2014.
            Kindly recall our discussion had had with you on 03-03-2014 in your chamber regarding mail movement and some sections. At the time of discussion we have explained that without any details discussion with the staff side, a unilateral move was taken which is the violation of the Dte. Guideline. When it was requested for submitting a definite proposal in this respect, the Hon’ble PMG (MM) denied to submit it. So, we are in the firm opinion that the status-quo should be maintained and procedure for abolition of transit sections is to be stopped immediately.
            But we are very sorry to intimate you that, vide your O.M. No. as cited above (copy enclosed) the mail arrangement of H-29 Section, plying between Sealdah R.S. and Budge Budge R.S., was changed unilaterally and effected from 13-03-2014, which may create problem in c/w transshipment of mails.
            Sir, now at this moment the date of 16th Parliament Election was already announced by the Election Commission. The Postal Ballot as well as all other materials in c/w Election (treated as Election Urgent) will move through Postal Network.
             So, at this moment it is most urgent work to ply the said Section with it’s normal mails till General Election is over. Hope your good offices will take positive move and issue suitable instruction for Status-quo.

                                         Yours faithfully,
   (INDRANIL TEWARY)                                                   (APARESH LAHIRI)
  Circle Secretary                                                          Circle Secretary
    R – IV                                                                       R - III 

Copy to: The DPS(HQ),O/o the Ch.PMG, W.B.Circle,Kol-12 for information.                                                                                                                                           
                                                     Yours faithfully,
 (INDRANIL TEWARY)                                                   (APARESH LAHIRI)
Circle Secretary                                                            Circle Secretary
    R – IV                                                                       R - III 

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